Next week a new massive open online course will take place. This time by Stephen Downes and me. As part of our PLE Project and its research, we will be holding a connectivist style learning event on Critical Literacies.
Is it going to be a course? Or will it be a learning opportunity? Or rather e-information? Is it a conversation or a dialogue? Will there be guides on the sides or sages on the stages? Will people learn from each other, from knowledgeable others, from aggregated information or not at all? What tools do the learners choose to use, and how important are these in all our learning?
All these questions came up in research on earlier Connectivist courses that were held in 2008 and 2009 by Stephen and George Siemens and I look forward to being involved in this new project as I have a couple of questions of my own. If you are interested in thinking with others about the literacies that now seem critical to learn while using new and emerging technologies, you can enroll here.